Sunday, November 11, 2012

PS Vita Unboxing - Complete Review w/ FAQ!

PS Vita Unboxing - Complete Review w/ FAQ! Tube. Duration : 12.47 Mins.

FREE PSVita from our gaming channel! While everyone rushed to open the boxes and give their hurried reviews, I took my time to thoroughly test and measure the true power and potential of the PS Vita. This is my complete review! FAQ Q. Can it play YouTube videos? Other channel videos? A. Not yet. Sony is a little slow on this but they're working on it *they better be (-_-)* Q. How are the graphics compared to PS3? A. Sometimes very close to PS3, other times close to PS2. Depends on the game developer and how much effort they put into it. Q. What do you think of the PS Vita price? A. I think it's perfect. Think of the cost of an Iphone or any other high tech device that does something similar to what the PS Vita can do. It's worth the price. Q. Have you had any technical difficulties like freezing with your PS Vita? A. Once but that was a faulty game cartridge, not the Vita. Q. How is the battery life of the PS Vita? A. Depends on what you're doing but for games you get as Sony says, about 3-5 hours, depending on your system settings. Q. How many megabytes is X game? I need to know what size memory card to buy? A. Go with an 8Gb card. I don't think the 4Gb cards are going to be very useful, too small imo. Plus some games might be download only so you could be in trouble with a small card. Q. How well does the touch screen work? A. It's perfect. Just like an Ipod. I recommend getting a screen protector that's smooth to glide your finger on and reduces glare ...


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