Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sand Art: Never Forget by Joe Castillo

Sand Art: Never Forget by Joe Castillo Video Clips. Duration : 12.42 Mins.

This September 11 will mark the ten year anniversary of the tragedy that occurred in New York City, Washington DC and Western Pennsylvania. One of the more moving and artistic tributes to the memory of that dark day is that of sand artist Joe Castillo. Mr. Castillo's sand art presentation of September 11, 2001 beautifully and gracefully captures the moment in a moving fashion. The beauty of sand art is that it is fluid and each stroke tells a different story. The beginning of the performance shows a beautiful sunny day. There are people in the park, walking dogs, sitting on a bench when suddenly the New York City skyline is shattered forever in the attacks that we so vividly remember. Scenes of firefighters, destroyed lives and somber faces flash before your eyes ending with a scene of the American flag over crosses representing the lost. This performance is a very thought provoking reminder to Never Forget. This September 11, when you remember those who lost their lives unexpectedly and those who lost their lives in bravery, think about how we stood united as a nation. Even though we were hurting, every single one of us, we knew that standing on our own two feet and helping those to stand on their feet after that horrific blow was of utmost importance. We will never forget the events that unfolded that day even though today we sometimes seem divided among ourselves today. For more information visit: wp.me


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